Frequently Asked Questions

The national average is 30 hours of lessons before being test ready.
You can have lessons in your car, however you will need to ensure that you have insurance cover which covers paid tuition by an approved driving instructor to enable lessons to be conducted in your car. I would only conduct lessons in a non dual controlled vehicle once I felt that you the student was skilled enough and safe enough for a non dual controlled car lesson to be conducted.
I only teach in a manual that is owned by the driving school.I can teach in an automatic that the student owns which is insured for paid for tuition based on a case by case basis....I will not teach a complete beginner in a automatic without dual controls
The learning journey starts and finishes with Sarah, you will have lessons through to test day and then have a one hour lesson before the test in whichever car they have been having lessons in.
Lessons either start and finish at home or start from college and finish at home, or train or bus station on a student by student basis. I only teach in certain geographic areas , near to my home address in Hook. The practical driving test centre of choice is Farnborough.
I do not teach evenings or weekends.